STAGE TALKS and VIRTUAL TALKS – by experts for experts
3/7/2025 Insights Article

STAGE TALKS and VIRTUAL TALKS – by experts for experts

Stand visits are the be-all and end-all of any trade fair. At POWTECH TECHNOPHARM, however, there are other opportunities to find out about innovations and trends. For example, at the POWTECH Forum and the TECHNOPHARM Forum. Speakers can now register for the STAGE TALKS. For those who want to keep up to date in the meantime, there will be an interesting VIRTUAL TALK with three presentations each month.

A stage for the POWTECH expert forum is set up in an exhibition hall at NürnbergMesse. A speaker shows a diagram with bar charts. A large audience is sitting in front of him. The forums at POWTECH 2023 were very well attended. In 2025 there will be a second expert forum of the same calibre, the TECHNOPHARM Forum.

Twenty minutes of compact information about new solutions, followed by ten minutes of intensive discussion and room for questions from the audience: this is how a STAGE TALK works on one of the stages in the centre of the POWTECH TECHNOPHARM exhibition halls. Up to 120 people gather to listen to experts from the exhibiting companies and other partners present their highlights. If you're lucky enough to get a seat, you'll even be able to rest your tired feet and gain valuable knowledge at the same time.

Special programme for pharmaceutical visitors

The format has been established for several years and has been continuously expanded. With the TECHNOPHARM Forum next to the new Pharma Pavilion in Hall 10, visitors from the pharmaceutical industry can look forward to an information programme specially tailored to their needs this year. However, some of the topics will also be of interest to other sectors such as the food industry, for example when it comes to safe and hygienic production. The APV - Association for Pharmaceutical Process Technology - guarantees the highest level of expertise.

The POWTECH Forum in Hall 12 will focus on topics that are relevant to all sectors of the process industry, such as safety and security, environmental protection and sustainability, automation and the application of future technologies such as modelling, virtual reality, modular plant construction and additive manufacturing. Manufacturing expertise for green energy systems will also have its place. Another part of STAGE TALKS is dedicated to 'Fluids meets Solids'. 'Processing meets Packaging' is dedicated to topics that are also of interest to Fachpack visitors. For the first time, the ZLV - Centre for Food and Packaging Technology will contribute to the topic of Food Processing (incl. New Food).

Call for papers for lecture registrations

If you would like to contribute as a speaker to one of the two forums, you should act now. The Call for Papers contains a detailed breakdown of the topics. Registrations will be accepted until 14 June 2025. The registering speaker selects the desired topic area and briefly outlines the content of their presentation. Solution-oriented, innovative approaches that emphasise user benefits are strongly encouraged. You are welcome to indicate in the abstract whether a presentation slot should be allocated to the general POWTECH forum or to the TECHNOPHARM forum. Representatives of APV, ZLV and POWTECH TECHNOPHARM will sift, sort and put together a well-rounded programme.

Clara-Elisa Pfab from the exhibition team is responsible for the organisation. She is very much looking forward to "her" first STAGE TALK forums. She already experienced them in 2023. ‘It was great to see experts talking to experts at eye level. You could feel how exciting the questions from the audience were for the other listeners too,' she says. As a trade fair expert, she also found the problems presented and the solutions offered by the various companies very interesting. ‘It was fascinating every time. At our forums, with their live STAGE TALKS, visitors learn from the speakers and vice versa. The speakers certainly take away many questions and contributions to the discussion as valuable impulses'. Lively discussions often continued on the fringes of the forum after the ten-minute Q&A period.

Portrait of Clara-Elisa Pfab Clara-Elisa Pfab, organiser of STAGE TALKS and VIRTUAL TALKS, is particularly looking forward to this year's STAGE TALKS in the TECHNOPHARM Forum.

Five more VIRTUAL TALKS until July 2025

In the VIRTUAL TALKS webinar series, the question and answer session following the presentations is often particularly exciting. The POWTECH TECHNOPHARM online format follows the same concept as the STAGE TALKS live format. The community meets, learns from each other and exchanges ideas. At each event, three speakers present their solutions on a specific topic and welcome questions and contributions to the discussion. The VIRTUAL TALKS have been filling the time between trade fairs since May 2024; the current virtual series will run until July 2025. The coming months will focus on

  • GMP-compliant pharmaceutical production - with Special: Pharmaceutical Industry in China (27/03/2025),
  • Innovations in mixing technology (17/04/2025)
  • Design and automation of modular systems (15/05/2025)
  • Pre- and post-processing for 3D printing (05/06/2025)
  • Technology trends for food and new food production (18/06/2025)

(Dates from April are subject to change; July topic not yet finalised).

Free participation is possible after registration on the POWTECH TECHNOPHARM website - approximately three weeks before the respective VIRTUAL TALK. It is also still possible to book individual presentation slots by contacting the organiser, Clara-Elisa Pfab. And anyone who regrets having missed the most exciting VIRTUAL TALK can be reassured. All previous VIRTUAL TALKS are still available.

By the way, the exchange of experiences within the POWTECH TECHNOPHARM community knows no (language) boundaries. Most of the VIRTUAL TALKS and STAGE TALKS will be held in English. However, questions in German are of course welcome. This gives speakers and international visitors plenty of opportunities to network and expand their knowledge before and during the fair. 


Ulla Reutner

Dr. Ulla Reutner

Chemist and freelance specialised journalist